Welcome to $DOGEAI

$DOGEAI is a digital currency created exclusively to revolutionize the way AI and crypto works together by building innovative AI tools.

Total Supply: 100,000,000


Benefits for
DogeAI Holders

Get access to our whole ecosystem and premium features.

DOGEAI is a rug-proof deflationary ERC20 token on the Binance Smart Chain.
The more $DOGEAI you hold, the more tokens you will earn. As you sell your $DOGEAI , the value increases due to burning automatically. So it creates an ecosystem that encourages investor to hold their tokens and enjoy the rewards.

My Background

a black background with a blue and green design
a black background with a blue and green design
person using black laptop computer
person using black laptop computer

Our ecosystem allows for the efficient exchange and sharing of training data on the blockchain, enabling us to foster a fairer and more inclusive AI landscape.


Invest with confidence using our AI-powered investment recommendations.

AI-driven Insights

a close up of a computer screen with a chart on it
a close up of a computer screen with a chart on it

DogeAI has revolutionized the way I invest in virtual currencies. Their AI-generated insights have helped me make informed decisions.

What Our Customers Say

DogeAI's natural language processing is so impressive, it's like chatting with a human—truly astounding

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